Most Common Questions
We put more choice, transparency and control in the hands of you, the property owner, while guiding you through the entire process of selling. The mission of The DIY Listing is to help sell your property allowing you to maximize your profit and protect your equity. The average seller can save several thousand dollars using our service, allowing you to keep more of your hard-earned money!
Once all the contracts are signed and all home details have been provided, including photos, it will take no more than two (2) business days to list your property and be officially for sale on the market!
Yes, we do! You can check out our Land Service Packages on the “Our Services” page.
Yes, we do! You can check out our Residential Rental Service Packages on the “Our Services” page.
At this time, we do not list commercial properties.
We use a third party company will install the sign post. If you have a HOA that has specific rules about sign posts or if you have specific insturctions on sign placement, just let us know. Please allow about three business days for the sign post and sign panel to be installed.
The MLS will allow up to 40 photos. All photos should be a high-quality resolution and in landscape (horizontal) format.
Yes! We will send you all leads that contact us to inquire about your property.
Showings are managed through an applicaton called ShowingTime. You will received showing requests via email, phone and/or text. This allows for seamless management and tracking.
It is highly recommended you provide a lockbox to allow access to showings for buyers that are accompanied by their own real estate agent.
A lockbox is provided with the Premium package. If you would like to purchase a lockbox, you may do so by adding one on to your purchase or contact us.
No problem! Simply contact us via email or phone and we wil be happy to upgrade your service package.
You may extend your listing for another six months or choose to go with a full service real esate agency. We have a wide network of great agents and would be happy to provide you with a referral.
You can find all of our service packages and what is included in Our Services page. If you have additional questions please feel free to Contact Us.
Yes, if a buyer is represented by an agent the minimum commission we offer is 1% and we strongly recommend a commission of 2.5%.
Your listing will be active on MLS for six months.

We are here to help! Feel free to Contact Us.
At this time we do not list short sale or bank owned properties.
Yes, you may cancel at any time.
Yes, you may make changes to your listing. Any changes or updates to your listing can be made on your Client Portal.
At this time we do not list properties as Coming Soon.
Yes, you may use your own photos. Please be sure they adhere to our Photo Guidlelines that will be provided to you.
You must have ownership rights to the photos, high-resolution and in landscape (hortizontal) format.
Yes, you may temporarily withdrawl your listing, however the time still counts towards the six -month listing period. Any changes or status updates to your listing can be made on your Client Portal.
You may relist your property, however you will have to repurchase your package as it’s treated as new listing.
Yes, we have you covered! We will provide you with all the necessary disclosure forms.
Yes with Standard or Premium package we will send you a property flyer that you may provide for showings or email to your contacts.
We do not negotiate offers but do offer consulations services with Standard and Premium packages or as an add on service. We will review all offers with you and consult you on how best to proceed with negotiations.
You may cancel your listing with us at anytime.
Yes you will want to use a real estate attorney to represent you during the sale and closing process. We are happy to refer you to a real estate attorney if you would like.
You cannot post your property directly to the MLS because access to this database is limited to licensed agents and brokers who pay to have membership.
The MLS is a database that aggregates home listings, allowing cooperating brokers to share the listing amongst one another. This allows much further reach than attempting to sell your property on your own (For Sale By Owner).
Yes, please Contact Us and we are happy to discuss full-service options.
We are currently able to serve all home sellers in the state of Connecticut.